
Schiffsname SIRIUS
Nationalität D
Heimathafen Merkendorf
Typ Norfolk Gypsy
Baujahr 1997
Bauwerft Neil Thompson Boats ltd.
Bauort Norfolk
Länge (London) 6,10 m
Länge (Meßbrief) m
Länge über alles 7,27 m
Breite 2,29 m
Tiefgang 0,51 m
Segelfläche 19,7 sqft m²
Motor Segel
Leistung  PS
Museumshafen Lübeck

Über das Schiff

Die Historie

The Norfolk Gypsy is a 20’ gunter rigged yacht. Considerable use of traditional brass, bronze and galvanised steel fittings, hardwood for exterior trim, oak and teak for interior trim and spruce spars combine together with the use of best quality resins, glass fibre and gelcoat (all hand laid) to produce a very low maintenance and immensely seaworthy yacht. She is equally suitable for exploring shallow tidal estuaries as for longer coastal passages in testing conditions. Her shallow draught and bilge runners also enable the boat to be beached without excessive heel.