Schiffsname ELINOR
Heimathafen Ft. Lauderdale
Typ Jagtschoner
Baujahr 1906
Bauwerft Otto Hansen
Bauort Stubbekøbing
Länge (London) m
Länge (Meßbrief) m
Länge über alles 23,50 m
Breite 6,10 m
Tiefgang 2,20 m
Segelfläche 450 m²
Motor Segel
Leistung  PS

Über das Schiff


Die Historie

Quelle FugitveCrossing USA First published 5/2/2008
1. There is a description of S/V Elinor during her last successful spell as a functional ship in this source. At the time, she was sailing tourism cruises out of St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. See page 98 in Adventure Guide to the Virgin Islands by Harry S. Pariser, published 1992, Manatee Press, ISBN 1556505000. Link:,M1

2. There is a throw-away line about S/V Elinors final fate in the source listed below. The text reads Det værste eksempel er skonnerten Elinor, som blev solgt på en tvangsauktion i USA, og nu ligger på bunden af havnen i Fort Lauderdale, which translates into … schooner Elinor…was sold at auction in the US, and now rests on the bottom of Fort Lauderdale harbour. See page 15 of Passagerfart, Sammenslutningen af Mindre Erhvervsfartoejer, November 2003, #1. Link:

3. Skibsbevarings Fonden, a Danish fund aiming to preserve old ships has some background. The link says that Elinor was launched under the name Alta in 1906. The ship was commissioned by Mr. Marius Petersen of Marstal for inter-coastal shipping, though it was also used for whale and seal hunting for a time. The ship was sold in 1928, renamed Agnete, and used for rock fishing. Following a further ownershp change in 1937, the ship was given its current name. In 1967, Elinor was sold to a group of investors, who converted the ship from motor vessel to three-masted schooner. Elinor sailed in Danish waters and the Meditteranean for several years, but eventually ended up in the US, where it was confiscated by the authorities. Several attempts to release the ship failed. The fund has made DKK 50,000 available for the ship’s preservation. Follow the link, and search their database for Elinor. Link:

4. The same source as above has more information: It says that Elinor was built at Otto Hansen’s shipyard. In 1914, Elinor was converted to a two-master. It was sold to Norway in 1916 and recoverted to a three-master. The DKK 50,000 grant extended to the ship by the fund named in (3) was for repair of the hull. See page 43 in the following link: Link: