2012 aufliegend in Flensburg Museumswerft Foto GB

Schiffsname LILLE BJØRN
Ex-Namen Christian Bach, Spirit of Winestead
Nationalität DK
Heimathafen Gråsten
Typ Sail Training Ship
Baujahr 1953
Bauwerft Andersen u. Ferdinandsen
Bauort Gilleleje
Länge (London) 117 ft m
Länge (Meßbrief) 27.80 m
Länge über alles 48,67 (155 feet) m
Breite 6.85 m
Tiefgang 2.78 m
Segelfläche 86 m²
Motor Segel
Leistung  PS

Über das Schiff

mail vom 25.6.2013Hallo Herr Gries, Herr Büker oder / und Herr Pfeiler,

der Käufer der Lille Björn ist und war niemals ein Mitglied bei Sea Shepherd.
Datum 30.7

Ich habe Kontakt zu Sea Shepherd Germany.
Sea Shepherd hat gar nichts mit dem Käufer der Lille Björn zu tun und distanziert sich sogar von ihm.
Dieser Mann hat sehr hoch gestapelt, auch der SHZ gegenüber.

Nun aber reagierte Sea Shepherd gegenüber der SHZ direkt!


Mein Name darf aber nicht genannt werden in Ihrem Archiv – da ich massiv bedroht wurde!
Herr Matthiesen wird Ihnen das bestätigen!

Susanne Dettmers
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Susanne Dettmers

Die Historie

Built 1953 by the Andersen & Ferdinandsen yard at Gilleleje, Denmark, and delivered as the ketch-rigged cargo vessel with auxillary engine CHRISTIAN BACH O.Y.R.A. (Hundested). Owner: J. C. C. Bach of Lynæs, Denmark.
Yard no ? – GRT 100 – NRT 47 – TDW 135 – Measurements: 27.80 x 6.85 x 2.78
In her day as cargo vessel she traded in the Baltic, servicing ports in Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway mainly.
In 1976 she was sold on to a Mr. Henderson of Grimsby, England, who had her rigged as a Brigantine and fitted out with accommodation for 10 passengers and 12 crew. She was intended for cruises in the Carribbean. She apparently retained her name until around 1981, when she was purchased by a company under the umbrella of the Tvind Schools headed by Danish Amdi Petersen. She was then named LILLE BJØRN and deployed as a training vessel. In 1990 she was given the name SPIRIT of WINESTEAD.

The LILLE BJØRN , the 117 feet brigantine as mentioned above, later on went on a voyage with pupils from Panama, destination the Galapagos Islands. One of the staff on board, B. J., has told me how they for a fortnight drifted about in the Pacific with engine failure and with a group of violent pupils, unwilling to accept any authority from neither crew nor other staff.
Among other frightening incidents, the pupils attempted felling the main mast with the fire axe, and still today, 1998, you can see the carving of the wooden fore deck, caused by a fire set by pupils on that voyage.
For the period of fourteen days, the ship was without propulsion, had no engines standby. Not even auxiliary engines did work, so the vessel ran out of electric power supply, causing loss of radio contact with other vessels or shore.
This incident is not known by but to a few Teacher Group members. It has been kept secret, like so many other incidents on trips.
The North Sea, 1994:
When sailing from England to Denmark with my English “small school” on board the Spirit of Winestead, the vessel with ist 12 pupils and 8 adults on board was exposed to a “knock down”.
Around midnight, we ran into a bad thunderstorm. Suddenly, the ship was turned by the wind. Now the vessel had the wind on the beam and swayed over on the side. This can be very dangerous as the yardarms could be caught by the waves, making the ship capsize. However, the Crew managed to get the vessel righted up again.

Spirit of Winestead – brigantine bought by Tvind in 1981 for DKK 1 million and named LILLE BJØRN
Trade value 1998 5 million
Rented by schools in England 1989-1998
According to the Danish Shipping Register she was registered on 08.06.2001, having been imported from Great Brittain as the SPIRIT of WINESTEAD (Hull), as the sailing vessel with auxillary engine LILLE BJØRN (Gråsten). She was traded in 1998 for the sum of 420.000 £ between institutions under the Tvind umbrella, and is still owned by one of those. On 06.06.2003 she was registered in the Danish International Shipping Register (DIS) with the callsign OZNY2.
GRT 117 – NRT 35 – Measurements: 27.89 / 24.89 (lpp) x 7.00 x 2,77.

Extracts from a report, Written and submitted by a Tvind Teacher, to the Danish Ministry of Education on 03.12.1998.
Quelle: und
Hinweis Andreas Zedler 17.7.2012

bis 2012 festliegend in Graasten, DK
2012 übernommen von einem Mitglied der Organisation Sea Shepherds für symbolische 1 dkr
seit März 2012 festliegend auf der Museumswerft Flensburg.

Aufwändige Reparaturen an Deck und Aufbauten erforderlich
ein Rückbau gemäß den Kriterien des dän. Skibsbevaringsfonden wäre wünschenswert und dem historischen Wert des Schiffes angemessen.

Kenntnisstand 30-7-2012 GB sachdienliche Hinweise willkommen