Schiffsname | SOLWAY LASS ex STINA |
Nationalität | |
Heimathafen | Torquay, Queensland |
Typ | Topsegelschoner |
Rigg | |
Baujahr | 1902 |
Bauwerft | Gebr. G. & H. Bodewes |
Bauort | Martenshoek |
Länge (London) | m |
Länge (Meßbrief) | m |
Länge über alles | m |
Breite | m |
Tiefgang | m |
Segelfläche | m² |
Motor | Segel |
Leistung | |
Museumshafen |
Über das Schiff
Incredible History: Built in Holland in 1902 of German Steel with Timber decking as a sail powered cargo vessel.
Solway Lass was originally named Stina. In 1905 the boat was sold and renamed to Adolf and worked in and around the Baltic and North Sea. In 1915 Solway Lass was seized as a prize of war by the British and used as a Q-Ship during WWI. At the end of WWI, Solway Lass worked as a coal, produce and stone carrying vessel operating between Liverpool and Scottish Ports.
In 1924 Solway Lass was sold to a Scottish firm in the Solway Firth where the boat was renamed with her current name. When World War II commenced the Germans took her as a prize of war and she was used to supply their armed forces.
During the World War II she hit a mine and was badly damaged, however the Germans refloated and repaired her because the vessel was useful as a sail-powered icebreaking vessel. After World War II Solway Lass served in the South Pacific as a Cargo Vessel. In 1983 a Sydney Businessman purchased Solway Lass in Fjii.
Between 1983 and 1985 Solway Lass was totally rebuilt and in 1988 took pride of place in the 1st Fleet re-enactment of the Tall Ships into Sydney Harbour.
Whitsunday Cruises: Towards the end of 1998 Solway Lass was purchased from Matilda Cruises Sydney. In early 1999 Solway Lass was refitted for overnight three day three night sailing holidays in the Whitsundays. Solway Lass is air conditioned and has eleven cabins.
Solway Lass cabins are private double/twin and share and feature teak and cedar feature walls with Jarrah timber trims. Solway Lass also has a bar area serving icy cold drinks and an outdoor dining room which offers the most beautiful Whitsunday views.
Solway Lass provides guests with the opportunity to experience turn of the century sailing as it was in the old days, with 11 sails and 5500 square feet of sail area Solway Lass is a sight to see when under sail.
Guests are welcome to help the crew hoist the sails and steer the ship, or otherwise just relax on the large deck areas and take in the views the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park provides. Lay in the bow net while the water washes 12ft below you and onto the bow.
Airlie Beach
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ABN: 87 482 021 064
P.O. Box 5696 Torquay
Queensland – Australia
Ph: +61 7 4128 9359 +61 7 4128 9359
Fax: +61 7 4128 9359
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Die Historie
1902-06 STINA; Hamburg
1914 ADOLF beschlagnahmnt in GB
1914-? SOLVAY LASS, Dumfries GB
?-5 BENT, Aalborg Dk
?-6 SUNDEVED, Graasten Dk
-76 SUNDEVED, Egernsund
1978 LAWEDUA; Fiji
1985 SOLWAY LASS, Australien
Über England und Dänemark gelangte das Schiff zu den Fidji Inseln, wo es noch als Frachtschiff (Kopra-Schoner?) im Einsatz war (Motorsegler)
Interssenten in Australien Neuseeland planen einen Umbau zum Segelschulschiff. Rumpf unverändert.
Nachtrag 1986 JK
TUI NASAVUSAVU wird seit 1982 in Australien restauriert und zum Schulschiff umgebaut. Als Topsegelschoiner SOLWAY LASS 1985 unter australischer Flagge wieder in Fahrt.
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